We couldn't afford it. His middle school math teacher salary and the income I brought in from my small freelance communications business paid our bills, but it didn't leave us much wiggle room for much of anything else - especially an adoption.

"When you accept the call to adopt, God will provide... trust us."

Our friends who'd adopted their son insisted that when God calls someone to adoption, He also supernaturally covers the costs. We had no other option but to believe them. (Partially since we faced infertility and had no other way to parenthood.)

Prayer led us to know the right time to begin the process. Without a nest egg to borrow from or winning lotto ticket to cash in, we stepped out in faith and called the adoption agency to begin. In the following months, several generous family members gave us funds to help with the expenses. Friends also felt prompted to give. We received a grant to cover our home study. Unexpected checks and baby gear floated in once people heard our news.

Our only job was to humbly accept the gifts.

We unexpectedly got the call about our baby girl one January evening. While our adoption process happened sooner than we expected and nothing like what we planned, our bank account was ready. God provided all of the funds we needed to proceed.

Trusting God with our finances is difficult. But, He promises to provide for us. When we believe Him, He leads our eyes off our cares and onto His call. We learned a lesson about finances that's guided us since that day: God funds everything He calls us to do.


Prayer: Lord, I want to trust you with my finances. I believe You alone are my provider. Help me focus more on what you're calling me to do and not worry about how to pay for it. You own the storehouses in Heaven, help me trust you'll provide for me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 NIV

This devotional first appeared in the Monday Morning Survival Guide. Subscribe to get next Monday's devotional emailed to you.

Faith that Survives

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