The other day, my neighbor gave me a stack of magazines. She thought I'd enjoy the articles too. Little did she know, she handed me a magazine I've considered subscribing to all year. I've held off because of limited time, and I've not wanted to pay for something I wouldn't use. But, deep down, I did want a copy of the magazine. 

It was like my Heavenly Father who watches over me was coordinating it all, and He knew.

Joy over a magazine may sound simple and silly, but then a few days later, I connected with a woman who has faced a similar health journey. She's further along than I am, and she offered to share some tips and tricks. Again, deep down, God knew I needed this, I wanted this. 

I'm becoming aware of how intimately God knows the desires of my heart. 

From inspirational magazines to our longing for community and connection, our hearts are full of needs, wants, hopes and desires. And one of the scariest things in the world is getting in touch with those things, much less praying and pursuing them. Why?

Pain. Heartbreak. What happens when we get a "no," or we have to wait longer than we ever imagined? It's easier to just avoid asking and shut it down.

This is a real faith wrestle: Getting in touch with our deepest desires and then opening them up to God. Asking Him for what our hearts desire, and then being OK with whatever the answer may be, is really hard.

But, if I've learned anything from my neighbor's magazine, it's this: God is both listening and watching. He does care—about small desires and big desires. He's not going to let us down.

May we have the faith to pray for what we long for this week, and may we be attentive to the ways He is constantly answering.

Prayer: Jesus, help me get in touch with what my heart really desires, and give me the faith to trust you with it. Amen.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4, NIV

This devotional first appeared in the Monday Morning Survival Guide. Subscribe to get next Monday's devotional emailed to you.

Faith that Survives

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